Essays / Virginia

Are you a rover?

Rover Defined 

Dog kissing the Hostel Mom
Kisses for a good job

Not until writing my blog, did I realize the actual meaning of Rover. Sure it is associated with the Land Rover, a glamorous car for the earth. And the moon Rover, a glamorous car for the moon. It is also a name pet owners give to their dog when they have run out of options. But the actual definition (noun) is “someone who travels around without a definite direction or purpose, a person who spends their time wandering. This. Is. Me!


Picture of the Hostel Mom  at a 9 to 5 job
Me at my job

In my real life, I work for a Fortune 50 company. I’m a program manager and plan every moment of every day down to the minute. It is a mandatory personality trait of my job. Spending my days badgering coworkers to finish the work they committed to in hopes of meeting the aggressive deadlines set by management.

Look, book and go!

Jetstar plane
My journey starts here

However, when I travel, it is quite different. I have adopted the philosophy of look, book and go! When selecting a destination, there is only one requirement…it must be warm. Currently, I  live in the northeast with four distinct seasons. Winters are cold and defined as the season of decay. Nope. Summer is warm and according to Merriam-Webster, it is a period of maturing powers. I am akin to improving my maturing powers. Let’s Go!

I look for countries nearest the equator, the heat ring circling the earth. I enter a range of dates and dream destinations into Google Flights and click on the “Explore” icon and daydream as I move the cursor around the globe. 

Using intuition and bohemian budgeting I am ready to book my flight without an itinerary of what’s to happen in between. Closing my eyes I let the wave of excitement, anticipation and unknowing fill my heart.

High Flying Photos 

About Author

With only a plane ticket, a backpack, and no itinerary, I move with the flow of the world and I’m never disappointed with where I am.